
Conference papers

  1. Bica, M., Bacu, V.,  Mihon, D.,  Gorgan, D., “Architectural solution for virtualized processing of big earth data“, Proceedings of the Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP), 2014 IEEE International Conference on, DOI: 10.1109/ICCP.2014.6937027, pp 399 – 404, (2014)
  2. Bacu, V., Stefan, T., Gorgan, D., “Adaptive Processing of Earth Observation Data on Cloud Infrastructures Based on Workflow Description“, Proceedings of the Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP), IEEE-Press, pp.444-454, (2015)
  3. Mihon, D., Bacu, V., Colceriu, V., Gorgan, D., “Modeling of Earth Observation Use Cases through the KEOPS System“, Proceedings of the Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP), IEEE-Press, pp. 455-460, (2015)
  4. Nandra, C., Gorgan, D., “Workflow Description Language for Defining Big Earth Data Processing Tasks“, Proceedings of the Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP), IEEE-Press, pp. 461-468, (2015)

 Journal papers

  1. Gorgan D., Catana M.C., Stefanut T., “Tehnici vizuale de analizǎ a datelor masive multidimensionale”. Revista Română de Interacțiune Om-Calculator, Vol.8(3), pp.237-255, (2015).

Presentations at scientific events

  1. Dorian Gorgan, “Flexible and Adaptive Processing of Earth Observation Data over High Performance Computation Architectures”, invited speaker to International Conference and Exhibition Satellite 2015, August 17-19, Houston, Texas, USA.
  2. Dorian Gorgan, “Visual Analytics on Multidimensional Big Data”, invited speaker to International Conference and Exhibition Satellite 2015, August 17-19, Houston, Texas, USA.
  3. Dorian Gorgan, “Presentation of the BIGEARTH Project”, IASON Project meeting, 22 April, 2015, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  4. Dorian Gorgan, Victor Bacu, Teodor Stefanut, Cosmin Nandra, “Presentation of the BIGEARTH Project”. KEYSTONE Cost Project meeting, 11-12 May, 2015, Kosice, Slovakia.
  5. Victor Bȃcu, Teodor Stefǎnuț, Dorian Gorgan, “BIGEARTH Project Presentation”, ICT2015 Conference, Lisbon, 20-22 October, 2015.

Research documents

  1. Ilie Capatina, “Analiza si cautarea flexibila a datelor masive distribuite“, Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca, iunie 2015.
  2. Constantin Ioan Nandra, “The Flexible Description of Geospatial Data Processing“, Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca, iunie 2015.
  3. Mihai Bica, Dorian Gorgan, “Domain Analysis and Bibliographic Study about Massive Data Processing Over HPC“, PhD Research Report, UTCN, ian 2015.