Conference papers
- Bica, M., Bacu, V., Mihon, D., Gorgan, D., “Architectural solution for virtualized processing of big earth data“, Proceedings of the Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP), 2014 IEEE International Conference on, DOI: 10.1109/ICCP.2014.6937027, pp 399 – 404, (2014)
- Bacu, V., Stefan, T., Gorgan, D., “Adaptive Processing of Earth Observation Data on Cloud Infrastructures Based on Workflow Description“, Proceedings of the Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP), IEEE-Press, pp.444-454, (2015)
- Mihon, D., Bacu, V., Colceriu, V., Gorgan, D., “Modeling of Earth Observation Use Cases through the KEOPS System“, Proceedings of the Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP), IEEE-Press, pp. 455-460, (2015)
- Nandra, C., Gorgan, D., “Workflow Description Language for Defining Big Earth Data Processing Tasks“, Proceedings of the Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP), IEEE-Press, pp. 461-468, (2015)
Journal papers
- Gorgan D., Catana M.C., Stefanut T., “Tehnici vizuale de analizǎ a datelor masive multidimensionale”. Revista Română de Interacțiune Om-Calculator, Vol.8(3), pp.237-255, (2015).
Presentations at scientific events
- Dorian Gorgan, “Flexible and Adaptive Processing of Earth Observation Data over High Performance Computation Architectures”, invited speaker to International Conference and Exhibition Satellite 2015, August 17-19, Houston, Texas, USA.
- Dorian Gorgan, “Visual Analytics on Multidimensional Big Data”, invited speaker to International Conference and Exhibition Satellite 2015, August 17-19, Houston, Texas, USA.
- Dorian Gorgan, “Presentation of the BIGEARTH Project”, IASON Project meeting, 22 April, 2015, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Dorian Gorgan, Victor Bacu, Teodor Stefanut, Cosmin Nandra, “Presentation of the BIGEARTH Project”. KEYSTONE Cost Project meeting, 11-12 May, 2015, Kosice, Slovakia.
- Victor Bȃcu, Teodor Stefǎnuț, Dorian Gorgan, “BIGEARTH Project Presentation”, ICT2015 Conference, Lisbon, 20-22 October, 2015.
Research documents
- Ilie Capatina, “Analiza si cautarea flexibila a datelor masive distribuite“, Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca, iunie 2015.
- Constantin Ioan Nandra, “The Flexible Description of Geospatial Data Processing“, Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca, iunie 2015.
- Mihai Bica, Dorian Gorgan, “Domain Analysis and Bibliographic Study about Massive Data Processing Over HPC“, PhD Research Report, UTCN, ian 2015.