Computer Graphics and Interactive Systems

Computer Graphics and
Interactive Systems Laboratory


Graphical Processing Systems

  1. Objectives
  2. Specialization and Activities
  3. Course Syllabus
  4. Laboratory Works
  5. Knowledge Assessment
  6. References



The course concerns on the photorealistic presentation of 3D scene of objects. The polygon based graphics models are used to build up complex applications. The rendering pipeline emphasizes a few concepts such as world system, local coordinate system, viewing system, viewing frustum, 3D clipping, screen space, and 3D operators. After the presentation of the notions of illumination the Phong reflection model is analysed. A few shadow computation algorithms are presented. Texture mapping is another technique which improves the photorealistic presentation. The ray-tracing and radiosity are presented as powerful and unified approaches for the graphics presentation. The animation and deformation are other techniques that improves the realism of the graphics scene of objects.

Lecturer: Prof. Dorian Gorgan

Specialization: Computer Science and Information Technology

Year of study: 3rd year, 1st semester

Teaching language: Romanian, English

Activities: 2C, 2L each week


Course Syllabus:

Computational graphics
Hidden line and surface removal algorithms. Floating horizon algorithm, Back-face culling, Area subdivision algorithm, Depth buffer algorithms, Depth sorting algorithms, Scan-line algorithms, Octree algorithm, Ray casting algorithms, BSP trees
3D object modeling. Particles based models
Polygonal objects rendering
Illumination models. Local reflection model. Phong model
Shadow computation
Texture mapping. 2D and 3D textures
Global reflection models. Ray-tracing algorithm
Global reflection models. Radiosity algorithm
Graphical animation

Laboratory Works:

Introduction. Administrative. Creating a C++ project, OpenGL, GLUT and GLUI documents
Structure of the OpenGL based applications
Graphics primitives in OpenGL     Graphics
Graphics transformations in OpenGL
Data model and file formats    
Projections and clipping planes in OpenGL
Lighting model in OpenGL    
Texture mappings in OpenGL    
Shadow computation in OpenGL applications    
Graphical User Interface in OpenGL Applications - Part 1    
Graphical User Interface in OpenGL Applications - Part 2    
Ray tracing
Bump mapping
Practical Knowledge Assessment


Knowledge Assessment:

Assessment approach: There are four types of assessment - written paper (E), practical coloqvium (C), home works (T), and activity at the course (AC).
Mark computation:   M=0,5*E+0,4*[(C+T)/2]+0.1*AC
Graduate req.: M≥5; E≥5; C≥5; T≥5



1. Course Resources Repository,
2. Foley J.D., van Dam, A., Feiner, S.K., Hughes, J.F., "Computer Graphics. Principles and Practice". Addison-Wesley Pblishing Comp., 1992.
3. Watt A., Policarpo F.:“3D Games. Real-time Rendering and Software Technology". Addison-Wesley, 2001.
4. Burger P., Gillies D.: "Interactive Computer Graphics. Functional, Procedural and Device-Level Methods". Addison-Wesley, 1992.
5. Akenine-Moller T., Haines E., “Real-Time Rendering”.  A.K. Peters 2nd edition, 2002.
6. Watt A., "3D Computer Graphics". Addison-Wesley, 1998.