Computer Graphics and Interactive Systems Laboratory (CGIS) is carrying out research and education activities within the Computer Science Department, Automation and Computer Science Faculty of the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca. It has been certified as research entity by the Technical University on 22 July, 2010 (certification document). CGIS Laboratory is affiliated as well to the Distributed Systems and Communication Research Center.
CGIS Laboratory provides expertise in computer graphics, user interaction techniques, graphics modeling and simulation, distributed interactive application development methodologies, Grid and Web applications development, graphics cluster based processing and visualization, and e-learning systems development. The Laboratory is engaged in European research projects such as enviroGRIDS (FP7), mEducator (eContentplus), SEE-GRID-SCI (FP7), GiSHEO (ESA - European Space Agency), I-Trace (Minerva), and MedioGrid (CEEX). The team has developed software tools and platforms like gSWAT, gSWATSim, GreenLand, ESIP, gProcess, eGLE, GreenView, and eTrace. See the presentation Earth Science Oriented Applications in CGIS Laboratory.
CGIS team supports activities at all three levels of education - Bachelor, Master and Doctoral in the domains of Computer Science and Information Technology. CGIS provides courses in the fields of Fundamentals on Computer Graphics, Graphical Processing Systems, User Interface Design, Interactive Systems, Virtual Reality, Multimedia Technologies, Graphics Cluster based High Performance Computation, and Grid based Modeling, Processing and Visualization.