All the education materials for course, laboratory and project activities are available through the Course Resources Server.
- Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics (Romanian and English teaching)
- Graphical Processing Systems (Romanian and English teaching)
- User Interface Design (Romanian and English teaching)
- Multimedia Technologies
Graduate project and Master Thesis
- Computer Graphics
- Graphics modeling and visualization
- Graphical processing systems
- Graphics cluster based modeling and visualization
- Graphical user interaction technniques
- Particle based modeling and user interaction techniques
- Web technologies
- Usability engineering in graphics applications
- Graphical interaction techniques in eLearning applications
- eLearning environment development methodologies
- Teaching material development by eLeaning environment
- Collaborative interactive graphics applications
- Spatial data modeling, processing and visualization
- Grid oriented tools and applications development
- High performance computation
- Parallel and distributed computation
- Virtual reality oriented tools and user interaction techniques