Computer Graphics and Interactive Systems

Computer Graphics and
Interactive Systems Laboratory


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics

  1. Objectives
  2. Specialization and Activities
  3. Course Syllabus
  4. Laboratory Works
  5. Knowledge Assessment
  6. References



The course concerns on the fundamental notions and concepts of computer graphics from the point of view of a graphics system designer. The students learn the structure of the graphics system, and a few important graphics standards (CORE, GKS, and PHIGS). The concepts such as window, viewport, coordinate system, logical input devices, workstation, graphics primitives and attributes, segment, matrix operators are presented. The scan converting of line, polygon, circle and ellipse are presented using the Bresenham method. The rendering pipeline is highlighted through a few important steps such as 3D transformations, projections, 2D clipping and hidden surface removal algorithms. The pattern grammar based graphics modelling is presented too. Moreover the course concerns on giving to students the basics to develop graphical Windows applications and to implement the fundamental algorithms in graphics systems.

Lecturer: Prof. Dorian Gorgan

Specialization: Computer Science and Information Technology

Year of study: 2nd year, 2nd semester

Teaching language: Romanian, English

Activities: 2C, 2L each week


Course Syllabus:

Introduction. History. Examples
Mathematics in Computer Graphics
Graphics systems. Graphics standards
Input and output graphical devices
Coordinate systems
Graphics primitives, attributes, segments
2D and 3D Geometrical transformations
Projection transformations
Windows and viewports
2D clipping (point, line, text, polygon)
Scan conversion algorithms. Bresenham method
Graphics transformation pipeline
Photorealistic presentation. Visibility. Back-face culling
Hidden edge and surface removal
Parametric curves and surfaces
Color models
Graphics formats

Laboratory Works:

Windows Application Development
Output Operations onto a Window
Keyboard, Mouse and Timer Inputs
Graphics Resources. Icon, Cursor, Bitmap and Menu
Windows Controls and Dialogue Boxes    
Coordinate Systems. Visualization and Normalization Transformations    
Graphics Projections. 2D and 3D Geometrical Transformations    
Bresenham Methods. Line and Circle    
Line Clipping. Cohen-Sutherland Algorithm    
Polygon Clipping. Sutherland-Hodgman Algorithm
Polygon Clipping. Weiler-Atherton Algorithm
Hidden Surface Removal. Scan-Line and Depth-Sort Algorithms
Hidden Surface Removal. Z-Buffer and Area-Subdivision Algorithms
Practical Knowledge Assessment


Knowledge Assessment:

Assessment approach. There are four types of assessment that contribute to the final mark: written paper (E), practical coloqvium (C), home works (T), and activity at the course (AC).
Mark computation:   M=0,5*E+0,4*[(C+T)/2]+0.1*AC
Graduate req.: M≥5; E≥5; C≥5; T≥5



1. Course Resources Repository,
2. Foley J.D., van Dam, A., Feiner, S.K., Hughes, J.F., "Computer Graphics. Principles and Practice". Addison-Wesley Pblishing Comp., 1992.
3. Watt A., "3D Computer Graphics". Addison-Wesley, 1998.