Computer Graphics and Interactive Systems

Computer Graphics and
Interactive Systems Laboratory


Multimedia Technologies

  1. Objectives
  2. Specialization and Activities
  3. Course Syllabus
  4. Laboratory Works
  5. Knowledge Assessment
  6. References



Description of the course objectives.

Lecturer: As. Cornelia Melenti

Specialization: Computer Science and Information Technology

Year of study: 2nd year, 2nd semester

Teaching language: Romanian, English

Activities: 2C, 2L each week


Course Syllabus:

Introduction. History. Examples
Subject 1
Subject 2

Laboratory Works:

Laboratory 1
Laboratory 2
Laboratory 3


Knowledge Assessment:

Assessment approach: There are four types of assessment - written paper (E), practical coloqvium (C), home works (T), and activity at the course (AC).
Mark computation: M=0,5*E+0,4*[(C+T)/2]+0.1*AC
Graduate req.: M≥5; E≥5; C≥5; T≥5



1. Course Resources Repository,
2. Foley J.D., van Dam, A., Feiner, S.K., Hughes, J.F., "Computer Graphics. Principles and Practice". Addison-Wesley Pblishing Comp., 1992.
3. Watt A., "3D Computer Graphics". Addison-Wesley, 1998.